Monday, July 19, 2010

Let's Build An Acoustic Guitar

I recently became fascinated and, perhaps, obsessed with the idea of building a guitar. That is, building a guitar from wood. It seems an impossible task -- complicated and intimidating because it requires all sorts of strange tools and wood-working skills.

I've never "planed" a piece of wood in my life.

But I was inspired by this gentleman's blog and his bravery for doing it in the kitchen of his tiny condo, and especially by his short list of essential tools. I must have read that blog five times through, pouring over and over it and cross-referencing with Wikipedia definitions of various tools and techniques.

Shortly, I went out and purchased the recommended reading. This is a good book, with an extraordinary level of detail.

I will be entering the research stage now, where I will learn everything I possibly can about the process, tools, and techniques. Then I will slowly start to build, purchase, or otherwise acquire the tools and materials. Stay tuned.

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